Professional Chinese Debater

I debated for more than 30 years, and I have represented Deakin University and awarded 

  • Championships in 1st and 2nd Victoria Open in 2011 and 2012
  • Second runner-up in the 2nd Xingdao Cup held by UNSW in 2011
  • Second runner-up in the 1st Australian College Chinese Debating Invitational Competition held by Monash in 2013
  • Best Debater in many national and international marches

In my last competition, I won the game against National University of Singapore debate team which ranks top one in the world. Still, unfortunately, because we only had four people to prepare for the competition, I lost to The Chinese University of Hong Kong in the second round. I have learned that good sleep is critical to winning.

I am still an active debater as a coach and judge of the debate march. I was the:

  • Coach of Deakin University Debate Team
  • Coach of Griffith University Debate Team

I am still the:

  • Coach member of the University of Adelaide Debate Team

I am open to any Chinese debating opportunity as well.

My life path is like the game God of War: from a playful naughty boy to a father!

A Pro Gamer Always Starts the Game from Hell Mode!

Life is to defeat all the problems in the hell! 

Never give up just because you are joining the game late!


                    (2005)                                          (2007)                                          (2010)                                           (2018)                                           (2022)
